و لعل من ابرز امثله المقاومه فى التاريخ الحديث المقاومه الفرنسيه الشهيره ابان الحقبه النازيه التى كان لها الفضل الأول فى تحرير فرنسا 1944 و كل حركات المقاومه المناهضه للنازيه فى انحاء اوروبا و المقاومه الأفغانيه ابان الحمله السوفيتيه فى الفتره من 1979 الى 1988 فهى حق مكتسب و طالما رحب به الناس باعتباره مخلص لها و منقذ لأحلامها.
لكن عندما قام الصهاينه باحتلال فلسطين تغاضى العالم عن الجريمه بل وجه الجرم و اللوم على المقاومه الفلسطينيه.
هب ان احد قام بتغميض عينيك و أخذ يضربك بسوط او عصا هل ستجلس ساكتا؟
و هل يعقل ان نتهمه بالاجرام لو رد الضرب عن نفسه باى شكل يقدر عليه مهما كان ضعيف؟
لما لم يلقى أحد باللوم على المقاومه الفرنسيه , لما دعم الأمريكان المناهضين لحكم كاسترو فى كوبا مع أنهم ينقلبون على بنى جلدتهم و يلقوا باللوم على اسرائيل و مجازرها الوحشيه .
ان جرائم النازيه التى كانت ترتكب فى حقكم لزالت تحدث حتى الان لكن تحت مسمى الكيان الصهيونى.
ان فلسطين عربيه اسلاميه و ستظل كذلك.
نحن لا نريد شىء الا السلام لا نريد منكم مساعده فنحن لا نتسول أرضنا .
نطلب فقط التوقف عن الدعم المخزى العنصرى لاسرائيل و هى الظالمه فلا يستوى الجلاد بالضحيه فكيف بمن يجور على الجلاد و يتهم الضحيه بالارهاب؟
the resistance was over time the right of every person was killed , his home and his family trapped and probably one of the most prominent examples of resistance in the modern history is the famous French resistance to the Nazi era has been credited with the first in liberation of France in 1944 and all the anti- Nazi resistance movements around Europe and the Afghan resistance during the Soviet campaign in the period from 1979 to 1988, it is an acquired right and was welcomed by the people as it is their rescuer and saver of their dreams.
But during the occupation of Palestine by the Zionists the world turned a blind eye to the crime, and put the guilt and blame on the Palestinian resistance.
Say someone blinded your eyes and hit you with a whip or a stick; do think you would stay silent?
And is it conceivable to blame him for a crime when trying to defend himself in any way whatsoever is estimated by the weak.
When did not any one blame the French resistance, why did the Americans support anti-Castro in Cuba, even though they are turning against their own people. Why didn't they lay the blame on Israel and the brutal massacres?
Nazi war crimes that were committed in their right are continuous until now, but under the name of the Zionist entity.
Palestinian will remain Arab, Islamic. We do not want anything but peace, we don't want any help, we are not begging our land. We ask only to stop you shameless support for Israel. The criminal is not equal to the victim so what happens to the one who support the executioner and accuse the victim of terrorism?
ودي الترجمة البرتغالي
Há tempos em que resistência era direito para qualquer um que a sua família fosse morta, provavelmente a maior exemplo proeminente de resistência na história moderna e a famosa resistência francesa para o Nazi, era em que foi creditado com a primeira liberação de franca em 1944, e todos os movimentos resistentes na Europa anti-nazistas e a resistência Afegã durante a campanha soviética no período entre 1979 a 1988, era um direito adquirido e foi dado boas-vindas pelos povos porque era sua salvação e salvaguardar os seus sonhos.
Mas durante a ocupação dos Sionistas a palestina o mundo tornou se cego para o crime, e colocou a culpa a resistência palestiniana.
Diga que alguém cegou seus olhos e o bateu com um chicote ou uma vara; pense que você permaneceria silencioso?
E é concebível para responsabilizá-lo por um crime ao tentar defender-se em toda a maneira que qualquer for estimado pelo fraco.
Porque e que nenhum culpou a resistência francesa, porque e que os americanos suportaram os anti-Castro em Cuba, mesmo que estejam girando de encontro a seus próprios povos. Por que não colocaram a culpa em Israel e nos massacres brutais?
Os crimes de guerra do Nazi que foram cometidos em seus direitos são contínuos até hoje, mas sob o nome da entidade sionista.
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