
The On Demand Global Workforce - oDesk

Friday, June 22, 2007

the more we expect, the less they give, the more we get far from them

the more we expect, the less they give, the more we get far from them

think about it, when we xpect more from the closest people to us, the less they give, so we feel disappointed, so we get far away from the closest people to us, or those who were the closest people.

but also there is a quote saying " if you didn't ask you won't get anything, but if you wait, you will get everything"

so we must ask to get, and asking means to expect things from people around us.


where is the peoblem?

Is it a problem of asking or a problem of patience??!


I asked a friend and he said this is the circle of life.

He thinks it is a matter of patience, but i think it is something else.

the problem is that we don't think of each other, we think about ourselves only, we are not honest with others or even with ourselves.

if we are honest with our friends and our friends are honest with us everything is going to b fine.
I tried it and it worked, when i feel disappointed from someone it say, and when my friends expect something from me they tell me, that's how it goes.

people must talk honestly to each other.

but when they talk they don't have to hurt each other, we can tell people what we want in a nice way that won't hurt them.

and also people have to excuse us.

we all do mistakes when we want people to forgive us we must forgive them and appreciate that they are comming to admonish us.

that means that they care about us so much that's why they came and talked, but those who keep silient we must know that we are nothing for them because no body can live lone.

We can't live with people while having something aganist them in our hearts.

The Human Spirit is so confusing!!!!


Katri said...

i totally agree with you Neo, and i think all the reasons you mentioned cause this confusion, may be the dishonesty is the most effective one :P .. anyway.. that's why i have always had this small stupid-soundinng quote as my bst one "Honesty is the best policy" and i have been telling that for so long, i think i like to talk when i feel.. that's it

خطــاب said...

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